Then, if you’re like us, you’ll encounter another issue: the freshly unzipped file will be an unopenable MST file, which luckily we have a stupidly easy fix for. To bypass this, unzip the file using file compression software like WinZip or 7-Zip and extract it to some place memorable like your desktop. First off, you’re probably going to run into an error claiming that the file isn’t supported by your version of Windows. With the EXE file downloaded, you’re going to have to make some changes before you can actually perform an installation of the Cisco VPN client. In fact, you can continue to download the Windows executable installer without signing up for a new account or logging into an existing one. Note that you don’t have to sign up for a Dropbox account to access this file despite the web client prompting you to. If you opt for the Dropbox route, make sure you select ‘Direct download’ rather than ‘Save to my Dropbox’. After that, download the Cisco VPN client itself from Dropbox, although we couldn’t get a download to initiate from the latter (perhaps you’ll have more luck). Right-click the An圜onnect client icon located in the system tray near the bottom right corner of your screen.You’ll want to ensure the Windows executable you retrieve is the latest version of the 64-bit client or it might not work as anticipated.When you are finished using the VPN, remember to disconnect (failing to disconnect can result in being unable to access resources if you are on-site at the Research Institute). Enter your FBRI username and password, then click OK.

NOTE: The VPN will not connect if you are connected to the FBRI wired or wireless network. Click Next in the Cisco An圜onnect Secure Mobility Client Setup dialog box, then follow the steps to complete the installation.Click Run on the Open File – Security Warning dialog box.You will need to rename the file to "sys_attachment.msi" Note: If using Microsoft Edge, the program will download as a "sys_attachment.do" file.Download the Anyconnect VPN client for Windows.Please skip to Starting the VPN Client below.

NOTE: If you have an FBRI-provided PC, the Cisco Anyconnect Client is already installed.